Thursday, June 17, 2010


So, if you know me at all- you know that I'm a bit of a well... a slob.
I usually have no qualms about throwing clothes on the floor, and leaving dishes in my room for longer than I should, and leaving hair and makeup products sprawled all over the bathroom counter and floor along with more clothes and towels.

But lately, after some intense spring/summer cleaning including bleaching out the bathroom- I have been so anal retentive about keeping everything clean, as well as re-organizing. I organized and cleaned out underneath the bathroom sink, my dressers, my closet, my bookshelf, and other set of drawers.

It's really strange. But in a good way, I suppose! It's time for me to grow up and stop being so messy. I think that I'm just realizing how nicer it feels to come home to a clean room instead of having to tread carefully so I don't step on the back of an earring and have it pierce through my foot. (which has happened several times. OUCH.)

Another thing that is a bit strange that I have been obsessed with, which I shared on my Video Blog, is my strange obsession with dental care. I used to literally NEVER floss except for a few days before my dental exam in which I knew they would judge me for not flossing and I thought I could trick them by starting a few days before- but they always knew...

But lately I find myself flossing 2-3 times a day. It's like I have this thing where I feel like if one speck of something may be in my teeth I just gotta get it out! And my teeth feel so nice and shiny. I also bought some teeth whitening strips to make my teeth even whiter! Haha. The next time I see a dentist they are going to be pleased. But seriously, it's a strange thing how all of a sudden I'm so obsessed with teeth. I don't understand! haha! but like the cleaning's not a bad thing. Flossing is good for you, and a nice, bright smile is never a bad thing. Especially as an actress/waitress! :P

Speaking of, things at Red Robin are going well! I am finally really getting the hang of everything and making some pretty nice money. I definitely can't complain, although sometimes it gets tiring, especially when I work 2 doubles in a row...ugh! But it's so nice to come home with cash every shift!

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