You know when you have a complete reality check? I totally had one the other day. And it was about my weight. Before you go all cray cray on me just hear me out. I was trying on a dress that I wanted to wear for Christmas Eve events today, and it was pretty darn tight and hard to zip up. So hard, in fact, that the zipper completely broke and it ripped my dress. A pretty distressing moment to say the least! And lately I've just felt so...puffed up I guess you could say. It's like I don't even enjoy getting dressed in the morning because of the way my clothes have been fitting me. Which is unfortunate because if you know me, you know how much I love clothes! It's just becoming like an annoying task more than anything and I just want to stay in my PJs as long as possible.
I'm just SICK of feeling this way.I've absolutely had it and decided that I want to cleanse my body and start anew.
So I have decided to do the Master Cleanse starting on December the 27th. (That allots for 2 days of Christmas leftovers/cookie eating!)
What is the Master Cleanse? Also known as the "lemonade diet," it's a cleanse where you basically only drink a concoction made out of fresh lemons, purified water, cayenne pepper, and grade B maple syrup. You also supplement it with herbal teas and laxative teas. It sounds bizarre, but a LOT of people have gone on the cleanse and had wonderful results. You can lose alot of weight fast, obviously- but what people don't realize is that it isn't really starving yourself- as this lemonade concoction does have calories that can sustain your body. One girl did the master cleanse for 40 days and she had super results from it. The main reason that I want to do it is not to lose weight necessarily- but to use it as a catalyst to change my eating habits. Most of the people that are successful with the cleanse drastically change their eating habits and start eating healthier again, mostly raw vegan which I have dabbled with in the past as well but lately have not so much been doing. So, these people have lost a good amount of weight on the cleanse and have actually kept it off by changing their eating habits.
I just need a good kick in the butt so I think that now being home for Christmas break before I go back into the harsh grind again would be a great opportunity to try something like this so that when I return back to Columbus I will be even more motivated to stay very healthy and get back on track. The main reason I want to lose some weight is for my career. As you know I'm going into acting/modeling, and while I am by no means considering myself overweight- I definitely have some toning and weight loss to do! So this cleanse will kind of help to jumpstart me into a better lifestyle. (Not that I'm necessarily unhealthy right now- I eat pretty healthy meals- although lately I've been using that as an excuse to pig out on things such as margaritas, cookies, frozen yogurt, etc...and that adds up!)
Thankfully, most of you guys that are around me won't have to deal with how grumpy I inevitably will be the first few days of this cleanse and I will be fresh for when school starts which is nice.
I'm super excited because I just really think this is going to be what I need to get me started back into a wonderfully healthy lifestyle again! I'm just sick of making excuses for myself and ready to kick it into high-gear.
I'm planning on documenting my cleanse through Youtube videos which I may post here so you can see a Before/After as well as my thoughts while I'm on the cleanse so keep yourself posted.
Also- before you call me certifiable insane- just do a little bit of research on the cleanse. Just look on Youtube for some testimonials and Before/Afters!
If you are interested in the cleanse yourself, visit this website here and find out more information
On December 27th the cleanse starts! Stay tuned!
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