So life lately has been pretty great, I must say.
I FINALLY quit Taco Mac. Long time comin.' Now, I wouldn't say it was one of the worst jobs I've ever had, but....
Okay! Who am I kidding. Yes, it was. But not because of the people, just because of the company in general. I don't hold a grudge or have any hard feelings towards them, but I do have to say it feels amazing to have a new job where:
1.) I don't have to deal with being treated like a servant
2.) My managers treat me as an equal
3.) Positive reinforcement is used instead of constant lecturing
4.) I make more money
5.) I get lots of breaks
6.) I have FUN
7.) I have a flexible schedule
8.) The company actually CATERS to actors, instead of treating us like our personal schedules are irrelevant
9.) I have incentives to do well with real rewards such as all expense vacations instead of measly little reward cards that let us get out of doing 1 1/2 hrs. worth of extra work that we SHOULDN'T even be doing in the first place
10.) I have a sense of authority instead of a sense of being degraded
11.) I get free stuff all the time and even get reimbursed for drycleaning my chefs coats which were PROVIDED for me instead of having to pay for every little measly thing including name tags
And basically- the list goes on.
So what am I doing exactly?
I'm working for a company called US Jesco which manufactures home and kitchen products such as the Mr. Sticky, Magicloth, Chefs Rival, and the Chefs Envy. What I actually do is perform live infomercials in stores such as Kroger, Sears, Belk, etc. So in a shift, I basically I show up (where the stage/light/tv screen/produce etc. is already provided and set up FOR me) and do about 7 pitches at around 20 minutes each. Each pitch is a fully scripted and blocked mini performance that is interactive, and is pretty fun to do. Basically I'm just showing how the product works- chopping and slicing veggies. We also give away free kitchen tools which is fun. :) Even if people don't buy- they are usually entertained and it's nice to think that I've made someone's grocery shopping experience a little brighter, haha!
Basically, there's no stress- but just enough of that sort of challenge that keeps me going. I'm just not the type of person that is going to be in any way happy sitting at a desk filing papers- even if it's just a day job. With each pitch there's a sort of anticipation- you have no idea how your audience is going to be and of course you want them to buy and you kind of can set personal challenges for yourself each time. There's some really great money to be made once you get real slick with your performances and get all the little psychological sales-related nuances just right. I'm really excited.
Also- I'm so excited because there are SO many travel opportunities since it is a global company. They just opened a market in Scotland- and I got an e-mail about them wanting to take some agents to Texas to work some stores out there during SXSW. They had people go to the X-games- and even Hawaii! Definitely I plan on taking up some of these opportunities in the future- but since I'm fresh out of training it's not the best of ideas quite yet.
And one of the greatest things about this job is that if I get cast in a film or show and need to take off a month or something like that- it's totally FINE. I can leave and come right back. Amazing.
So that's what's going on in my "work" life, but what about my acting/modeling career?
Well, here recently I've done some promotional modeling work, gone on several print modeling go-sees, done a pilot/teaser for a small indie film and industral work, and submitted myself and auditioned for commercials/films. I've gotten callbacks but haven't landed anything big yet. However, I'm not discouraged in the least, It's just how the biz works. I actually just submitted a video audition yesterday for a pretty big budget SAG film that if I landed could be a game-changer for me so keep those fingers crossed!
As soon as the funds start rollin' in again I'm going to enroll myself in some acting classes to keep them acting tools in shape because I really think it would be great for me so I'm excited about that.
I feel like I'm in this process of seriously upgrading my life. I mean, within a year I also plan to be in a new apt. (preferably my own place with a cat close to Midtown/Buckhead,) have a new car, and a macbook. Career-wise, I want to have done some musical theatre and at least some small roles in big budget films and a couple leads in some indies.
It's all gonna happen because I'll make it happen. I'm excited. :)
As for my "love" life lately, well let's not even get into that. I'll just say it leaves much to be desired. But it's okay. Because I think I'm a pretty great person to be honest and some day just the right person will realize that and all will be well. Although I do have to say I get little "pings" where I wish I had somebody as a sort of companion- when I see a restaurant I want to visit, or an event I really want to go to, etc. But it's cool, because right now I'm just focusing on me and upgrading my own life.
And I just don't think anyone can really keep up with me right now anyway ;)
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