"who really cares?? i mean it taste good, as far as i am concerned it could be people, just very tasty people lol"
Um....I mean I realize that this guy isn't saying he is going to revert to cannibalism- but I think it reflects a consensus of people that they don't care about what goes into their food, as long as it tastes good... you DO realize that these mega food corporations capitalize on that mentality, right? At the expense of your health? This video proves this point quite nicely:
It's pretty sad.
Here's another comment- which shows the transformation of the food industry (And gives a hint as to how the obesity rate has skyrocketed along with the cancer rates:)
"I worked for Taco Bell for 13 yrs. When I started there, in '89, they did cook their own meat. Which was cooked in a large pan & then a mixture, which we prepared ourselves, was added. Back in, about '95 (or before) it started coming prepackaged so all we had to do was put it in 200 degree water for 30 minutes. So it's coming from the plant partially cooked. Back in '89, also, we use to shred our own lettuce & cheese; use to core, slice & dice our tomatoes & onions & green onions! Now everything is prepackaged."
Oh and here's a lovely sophisticated response:
"Who cares. IF IT IS GOOD, EAT IT."
Hey! You know that in other parts of the worldyour little doggy is treated as a delicacy? Well, to them it's good! If you visited Korea and were served a plate of dog and you objected- you know what they would say? "Who cares. IF IT IS GOOD, EAT IT."
What if we used this mentality in our day to day lives: "You know it feels so good to be on heroin! It's a wonderful high! But WHO CARES?!" "Hey! I'm pregnant! WHO CARES?! At least I felt good!"
Now obviously I'm not against things that taste/feel good by any means...but you get my point. Oh and it IS possible to eat food that is good for you AND that tastes good. I do it everyday! I LOVE to eat. I mean, I look forward to my meals. You think I would enjoy life if all I ate was celery sticks all day? No!
Some More Truly Asinine Comments:
"i don't care what they are made of. they taste good. ever thought that all those extenders that are in fast food are extending your life.?? you should be thanking them."
"I don't care whats in it. I would eat Taco Bell from a skunks A$$."
Bottom Line:
"If people knew what was in all fast foods and processed foods we would all be vegetarians."
Thanks, but to be honest- the article really wasn't necessarily solely against Taco Bell- it was highlighting the attitude that people have regarding what goes into their food. And even though they have a nice blanket statement- it doesn't take away from the fact that even though the beef is 100 "USDA inspected" (Keeping in mind that USDA inspected beef can only have 40% of actual meat and still be considered meat) doesn't take away from the fact that they add harmful chemicals and it is still one step away from dog food essentially.
So because someone likes Taco Bell and eats it because it tastes good they are a brain-washed stupid American? If it weren't for the FDA and the USDA no one would have any idea what was going into their food and there may very well actually be people in it. For someone who is a "healthy person" you'd think you would consider that. Also there is no proof that the chemicals that go into the beef is harmful. And Taco Bell may be capitalizing on the mentality of eating food that tastes good(which I really don't see anything wrong with), but at least they aren't capitalizing on the fear created by conspiracy theorists who think everyone is out to give them cancer. For example, the five dollar organic apple you buy at The Fresh Market.
I eat things that taste good but aren't good for me at times, and there' nothing wrong with that- but my point is that people need to realize the implications of it. If I only ate ice-cream, chips and salsa, and chocolate bars all day long yeah, I would be eating things that tasted good and I liked them- but I wouldn't be doing my body a favor. It's all about moderation and being AWARE of the food that goes into your body, which is why I think cooking for yourself is so important instead of putting your health into the hands of huge companies that are out to make money and produce good tasting food at the lowest cost. (Chemicals allow them to do this.)
And I don't buy everything 100% organic because it's unnecessary for cerain things, and also because it's expensive and I'm a ollege student. But yes, I'd rather have my organic apple (that is definitely NOT $5) that will nourish my body without any harmful pesticides/chemicals than a burrito from Taco Bell that is made out of part antibiotic filled grade F cow parts, chemicals, stabilizers, and refined white flour.
And in fact, alot of people ARE brainwashed, sadly. Media, clever marketing, and advertising trains us to think that things like milk is the best thing you could ever drink, and that Coke is okay because you know, "high fructose corn syrup is natural." We're also bombarded with new medicines that we should "ask our doctor about." While in the meantime people develop more and more diseases and over HALF of Americans are overweight/obese. There is definitely something not right here, that's all I'm saying.
And I don't try to appear as if I am the perfect picture of health because I'm not- I'm constantly learning more about health and nutrition and it's really a journey. But I think aspiring to be healthy is one of the most important things we can do for ourselves, as I mean, you only get one life and I personally want to enjoy mine to the fullest- and I know people say "Oh well you don't enjoy life eating carrot sticks all day har har har" But I actually enjoy the food that I eat a million times more than I would enjoy a cheeseburger, fries and Coke from McDonalds. You couldn't PAY me to eat that.
And I get a LOT of criticism for the way I eat- but I'd rather eat the way I eat and never have a need to be on any medication or visit the doctor, never feel a need to drink caffeine to be awake, be able to run for 3 miles at a time, and have the energy/clarity to keep up a 3.9 GPA.
I'm not living in fear, but I'm living in awareness and people just need to wake up before they pay the price with their health, that's all I'm saying.
Do you really think that people don't know that eating fast food all the time and never cooking for themselves will make them fat? Just because they don't mind eating "disgusting" chicken nuggets or a burrito from Taco Bell doesn't mean that they are uninformed. The people who are obese aren't obese just because of what they are eating- but more because of how much they are eating. You can be perfectly healthy eating Taco Bell or McDonalds on a semi-regular basis.
And I wasn't saying there is anything wrong with eating organic. I was just pointing out that the companies who produce organic foods are doing the EXACT same thing as the companies who make cheap burritos. Making a profit.
Our country is based on capitalism. And just because something is advertised doesn't mean that you have to buy it. So yes, it's good that you don't buy into all the advertisements that you ever see. But to assume that everyone else in America who doesn't share your opinions on what is healthy does is really condescending and just not true.
There is nothing wrong with those chicken nuggets aside from them looking kind of gross. But to eat them wouldn't do your body any harm. and milk IS good for you. and high fructose corn syrup IS natural(which is not synonymous with healthy)
Someone providing you with information that is contrary to the information that you have already offered isn't mean or negative. It's just ethical. Because when you are presenting a one-sided argument on things that have to do with your health it's your duty to give complete information so you don't mess up other people's bodies just because you want to be right. You should really consider the possibility that there are people who understand science on a molecular level and so their findings are based on logic and not only results alone without understanding the reasons.
Doctors don't always get everything right but the information and the treatment that they give you are a result of years of schooling as opposed to weeks of reading diet books and searching wikipedia.
Oh, and I don't think anyone criticizes you for being a vegetarian. It doesn't matter to anyone what you eat. It's the fact that you assume that anyone with different opinions or eating habits is either disgusting or uninformed.
I have no intention of messing up anyone's bodies because I "want to be right." That's an absolutely ridiculous statement.
If I wanted to do that I would encourage being unhealthy. Which I actually do the opposite of last time I checked.
And thank you very much but I've done more than read "wikipedia articles" and "diet books."
And I don't have a problem with people that eat differently than me- I have a problem with people that purposely try to discredit me like I'm an idiot that doesn't know what I'm talking about.
"If people knew what was in all fast foods and processed foods we would all be vegetarians."
If you truly believe that quote. Which I can only assume you do because you posted it. Then you have to understand that you are implying that people are either A. Vegetarians B. Uninformed or C. Disgusting.
Since the majority of Americans aren’t vegetarians its logical to assume that you place them in one of the other two categories. Both of those things you seem to very obviously have a problem with. And it’s likely that anyone who says otherwise is trying to spare your feelings.
And of course I realize there are health benefits to being a vegetarian. Because I am informed (which I guess just means I’m disgusting). What I was saying about you not offering complete information was more directed at the fact that you villainize the food industry and those who are not vegetarians without offering up the disadvantages of being a vegetarian and the advantages of eating meat. Also things like encouraging people to go on extreme diets that are really harmful to their bodies. And no, you won’t die from that but calling it healthy is unethical.
Informing people about vegetarianism is one thing. But being condescending and close-minded to other approaches on life is a totally different story. Looking for information on what goes into your body is a good thing, but shooting down information that leads to a different conclusion than your own is the same kind of close mindedness that you say you hate.
And once again- no one is trying to say that you’re an idiot who doesn’t know what you’re talking about. Just because someone doesn’t agree with you doesn’t mean they are out to get you. All I am saying is that you are being completely one-sided, very condescending, kind of ignorant, and totally close-minded. Not stupid.
(And saying you are being these things does not equal saying you ARE these things)
Eh. I'm just sick of debating this. My blog post is what it is. I feel like people read too much into it to try to find things that I am being so called "condescending" about constantly. It's whatever. I put information out there that I see and take from it what you will. Obviously I don't expect everyone to agree with everything I say, and I never say "EVERYONE NEEDS TO BE A VEGETARIAN AND IF YOU'RE NOT YOU'RE WRONG AND DISGUSTING OMG!!!" Even in my articles for the saber I suggest meals that include meat in them because I know everyone isn't. This is my personal blog and I write about personal experiences and my beliefs just tend to go along with that. I can't help if people get defensive. But like I said, I'm completely done debating this.
I don't think that I came to any irrational conclusions from what I have read.
And once again, there is a difference between "being defensive" and not agreeing.
"I'm not living in fear, but I'm living in awareness."
^that's really nicely put.
People get very defensive when they are criticized about what they eat and how they treat their bodies. It is almost better to hope that they are afraid of hearing the truth - but I think so many people take your words and the words of the truth that happens behind slaughterhouse doors or what the FDA allows and try to turn them into some myth/conspiracy theory and say that you are in the wrong, because they are too ashamed/afraid to change their ways.
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