I'm kind of sad! I think it's because I feel like this summer has basically been a lightened-up version of my normal school year (I was in 2 shows, and took a 4 credit hour class) and I haven't gotten to really have a large chunk of time to relax. Sure there have been days here and there where I have been able to just lay out by the pool all day and those were wonderful, but it would have been nice to just not worry about studying, rehearsals, etc. But I still am glad I got alot of accomplishments in over the summer such as :
- Being in Into The Woods! Such a great show with great people and a great experience. I'm so grateful to have had the opportunity to do it at the last minute. :)
- Making an A (it's not official, but I'm 99% sure that I did) in my Biology with a lab, and just getting that out of the way because it's impossible to schedule in during the school year!
- Committing myself to a healthy lifestyle. I have become vegetarian and no, it is not just a kick, it is a commitment to myself to not ingest dead animal carcasses when I can eat earth's bounty of fresh, yummy vegetables, grains, and fruit. Coupled with working out at the gym and taking fun classes like kickboxing/step/yoga I've lost upwards of 7 lbs. or so, and I am finally able to start loving my body again. I feel so strong and just great and ready to take on the world!
- Doing the Rocky Horror Show. I've had a blast working with everyone!
- Getting new headshots taken to send to agencies!
- Buying/reading plays for auditions/directing class.
By the way, the Rocky Horror Show is still going on, visit www.chattshakes.com for details!
HEY NOW. Don't knock those of us who ARE working in Augusta!! :)
I'm not! I just can't deal with it for a whole summer. I end up missing Columbus too much =[
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