Monday, October 25, 2010

Rainy days and Mondays always get me down.

Sucks when they happen to coincide! I was just generally feeling not so hot today. But glad that I'm feeling more positive again now! My directing scene is going well, I made a perfect score on my analysis, and once I make it through much stress of my scene going up, general auditions as well as Sr. Sem auditions, I will get to have fun this weekend because it is Halloween! Yay! For those inquiring minds that want to know, I'm planning on going as Kelly Kapowski from Saved By The Bell.
It's not this exact outfit- but I'm definitely all up in some nineties clothes, and the bangs WILL be teased! Also, I will be reviving my Jasmine costume from last year for a specific cartoon character themed party so that will be fun. At either rate, I enjoy Halloween and it will be a needed break after this week. Lots of stressful things happening but I'll make it through. I always do! 

So you know how I mentioned I was an extra on MTV's My Super Psycho Sweet 16 Part 2? Well apparently the movie is out on iTunes already and my friend grabbed a screenshot of my scene.

Woo! Note to self: Have better posture next time I'm on a movie set! Haha. It's pretty cool though, because I'm very visible and clear which may not happen with alot of extra work one may do. But yeah it was a pretty exciting feeling to see yourself on TV even if I didn't have lines necessarily. I'll have you know a funny story behind this scene however- I literally asked this guy a new question about himself every take. It was like my thing so we didn't have to flounder for natural conversation since he seemed a bit shy haha. So I ended up finding out all these random facts about his life, none of which I really remember, but it was pretty funny at the time, haha!

Hopefully next time I'll have some lines though. Thank goodness I've shed a bit of weight as well- the adage "the camera adds ten pounds" is not a lie! =/ but it could be worse I suppose. haha. 
Oh also if you haven't noticed, I revamped the blog a bit. I just can't let anything stay the same!

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